Thursday, February 26, 2009

true self like

It’s here

On the Surface

Mirror Lies

Again and again
Every time

On the Surface

Between the Eyes
I have


I dare not think

I know of

Hey Ride...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Consistency of Form

Perspectives of the Modern Landscape: Blogging Claremont, New Hampshire

Like a blank canvas waiting for the complex industrial designs of Graffiti Artists, perhaps Claremont’s most recent architectural statement is a comment on the usefulness of social institutions themselves. Not many would suspect such bold commentary from merely a parking garage, yet the symbolic representation is stark – almost in your face. 

Just as the abandon shell of Religion once housed the vehicle for mankind’s attempts to understand and connect itself to the purposes of a larger, more divine and mysterious universe, so too is sanctuary necessary for vehicles of the vehicle of our bodies.

Monday, February 02, 2009



A Measure of Continuity Gauged in the Final Resolution of Context:

Impromptu Installation and Performance ART (Part 2)
Here the scene widens. The viewer is ask to explore the meaning of environment and identity faced with the needs and desires of existence. We may find that no one image is complete or able to express adequately the mechanisms sustaining life. A solution to one problem may cause a freeze-up in the flow of our continuity. This expression was indeed the motivational force behind this three-week performance piece. 
Digital Photo 2009
call for prices

The Risks And Inherent Dangers In The Art Of Recovery: Self Portrait With Frozen Pipes For Three-Weeks plus Two Phalluses

Impromptu Installation & Performance ART (part 1)
A macabre environment depicts an equally strange and intentionally chaotic setting, perhaps the stage has been set for an impromptu celebration of the artist necessitating rights of an obscure pagan ritual celebrating the significance of a temporary victory over the elements of nature.

Digital Photo 2009