Sunday, March 29, 2009


oils, wax (encaustic) and canvas 
2002 - 2004  152 x 152 cm


Anonymous said...

i love the use of balance and colour in these paintings...
do you display your works at any of the local galleries?

Mark Ezra Merrill said...

Thanks Bec.

Seriously, for me to say there ARE NO local galleries, would not be much of a lie. Operating a gallery is the most noble charity, right next to combating poverty and ending world hunger. Unfortunately, the ambitions of the painter in mention are, shall we say, far less altruistic.

It is true, however, the idea that i could hold-up in my studio paint-like-a-moth-a-fuka until the cows come home, and then somehow, be "discovered" by aforementioned philanthrope was abandoned (or let's say a trade-in with good re-sale value) for a more proactive hyper-realism approach.

However, again, this still leaves me in the same predicament and eventually, i hope, the same outcome. i love to fukin paint. i want only to paint.
and for them copious amounts of money.



effort, And what one might consider