Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Recycled Perspective

A virtual presence is better than no presence at all. Out here in the NETHERSPHERE I contemplate the meaning of meaning, 'good luck' with that some disembodied voice chimes in... 'exactly' i say... So the point for todays blog (btw ladies and gents I have every intention to re-engage blogging on a semi-daily basis and high expectations that i will fail so the chances for success are good!) is undifferention or undifferentiated space, the singularity, unified field... call it what you will, you see these concepts play an integral part in shaping our/my connexion to the greater good, the larger whole, the infinite, divine, the rapturous, even the melancholy and beyond...

Ok, so we're here today in the 21st century, it's a Tuesday, party sunny mid 70's -- the here n now, but look hard n long enough -- and this here n now will become undifferentiated, indistinct from any other here n now, for all time, for all centuries, for ever terrestrial being that has ever existed on Mt. Gia, we are the same... it's a tangible experience just beyond reach... it's a sensation, a beckoning to some higher plane of understanding... something every human is innately wired to understand -- yet not every switch has been flipped... Capacity will always exceed ability, the fundamental essence of the design code... contact that, identify with that... and ask yourself who's life means more than another life... right down the macro-cosmic slide passing every phylum and kingdom along the way...

Genetically human to human variation is less than 0.5% yet no two snow flakes are quite alike. Yet the cause or meaning of individuality must somehow not predominately be a factor of genetic differentiation... the odds would seem to suggest otherwise. So this innate similarity might suggest what?? A brotherhood between all men? A common collective experience? If so then we might expect to  observe cyclic nature, look at the Mayan Calendar... or the Zodiac... or the I Ching... or the TAROT... every system describes the same 'experience' in relationship to that system. If we existed at the hight of Mayan civilization - it is the parameters of experience that would shift, not necessarily the human experience...


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